Blackrock QBC


Progress report on proposed plans for Blackrock QBC (Monkstown Road/Trimleston Avenue)Area committee meeting February 2005

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the manager to present a progress report giving an update on the proposed plans for the Blackrock QBC (Monkstown Road to Trimleston Avenue)?"


The detailed design and contract documentation is currently being prepared for the Blackrock QBC (Mount Merrion Avenue to Trimleston Avenue). The design has taken longer than initially envisaged due to geotechnical (road condition surveys etc) aspects along some sections of the Rock Road. This element is nearing completion now. It is envisaged that the scheme will be proceeding to ‘Tender' just before Easter, once funding for the scheme is in place. It is the intention of the Quality Bus Network Project Office to have a Contractor on site by the end of May/June for the benefit to the gained from the lower summer traffic volumes. The design of the scheme has not significantly changed from the ‘Preliminary Design' displayed as part of the ‘Public Consultation' Process.

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