Written: 2 months ago
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the Blackrock Seafront Project inBlackrock?Reply:Initial meetings have been held with
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Written: 3 months ago
That the Chief Executive replaces the footpath outside (junction with George’s Avenue) as it becomesinundated with water during heavy rain
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Written: 7 months ago
That this committee agrees to install a bench in Blackrock Park near the boules pitch so that the players have
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Written: 1 year ago
To ask the Chief Executive to install a pedestrian crossing across the road entrance intoFrascati Centre to aid pedestrians? The
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Written: 3 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive to give this Area Committee an update on progress towards widening the laneway between the Blackrock
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Written: 3 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive which section is responsible for the maintenance of the planting boxes and street furniture installed as
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Written: 4 years ago
Motion: “That the Chief Executive brings a report to Area Committee in respect of providing a loading bay for The Platter store
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Written: 4 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the status of the East Coast Trail, has an AA and EIA
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Written: 4 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. Baker“That this Area Committee agrees to add Blackrock beach and Baths area to the list of designated official
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Written: 6 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive to have the vegetation in the Council’s car park off Temple Road cut
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Written: 6 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive why all the park benches were removed from Tobernea Park, Blackrock and when will they
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