January 2005 Council meeting
Question: Councillor M. Baker:
"To ask the Manager to present a progress report on the proposed plan for the Blackrock to Dundrum QBC?"
Following a public consultation process and a presentation to both Area Committees on the detail of the QBC Scheme concerns were initially expressed, mainly in relation to the retention of tress, by the Mount Merrion Avenue Residents Association. At the request of the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee a meeting was arranged with the representatives of this association where their concerns were outlined in detail. These concerns were considered by both the Department of Transportation and the QBNPO and various changes were made to the design including changes that resulted in the removal of one tree only. A meeting was recently arranged with the Residents' Associations representatives to explain the changes. A copy of the revised design was given to the Association and a further meeting is to be held hopefully in January 2005. Subsequent to the initial meeting with the MMARA a request was received from the Mount Merrion Residents Association to meet in relation to the Taney Road Fosters Avenue section of the QBC. A meeting was held with their representatives some weeks ago when they expressed their concerns on design issues. Their concerns are currently being considered and a meeting will be held with this Association early in 2005 and their concerns have been assessed in the context of the design of the QBC.