Area Committee February 2005
Question: Councillor M. Baker:
"To ask the Manager what plan exists for the implementation of traffic calming measures on Grove Avenue and Avoca Road? When will such measures be put in place?"
A proposed traffic-calming scheme (revised scheme) provides for extensive traffic calming measures on Grove Avenue, Avoca Road, Avoca Avenue, Woodlands Park, Priory Avenue and Priory Drive. The residents ‘working group' were in general, in agreement with the revised scheme. This scheme comprises the following:
- 40no. ramps
- 1no. mini roundabout at the junction of Stillorgan Grove and Grove Avenue
- 1no. fully mountable roundabout at the junction of Avoca Avenue and Convent Road
However, it would appear that the Dublin Transportation Office (DTO) has ceased at least for the time being, to provide funding towards such schemes. Funding is provided in the County Development Levy Scheme for traffic calming but matching funding has to be provided. However, this matching funding has not yet been identified so this scheme cannot proceed at this time.