Elm Grove works


Feb 2006 Area committee Question: Councillor Marie Baker "o ask the Manager in relation to Elm Grove to have the following works carried out:- (i) the two nameplate signs for the road at its entrance are in poor repair – can replacements be put in place; (ii) the pathway/drive-in by No. 13 is in very poor repair and needs replacement; (iii) there is moss on many parts of the pathway especially on the left hand side as you come into this cul de sac, but other areas are affected too – can the moss be treated as it is a hazard to pedestrians; (iv) there is ivy growing out from a wall that borders Elm Grove and parkland in Cloister Grove on the right hand side – can the ivy be removed as it is obstructing the pathway; (v) there is more ivy growing further down on the same wall but at this point the wall is the boundary wall of No. 14 Cloister Grove and I would request that you write to the householder requesting the removal of this ivy which is causing an obstruction on the pathway in Elm Grove?"


(i) The two nameplates will be replaced in the next few weeks. (ii) This path will be repaired in the first half of 2006. (iii) Elm Grove will be treated during the Council's weed spraying programme for 2006. (iv) This matter will be referred to the Parks Department for their attention. (v) A hedge cutting notice will be issued to the householder in question.

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