Meeting of Dun Laoghaire Area Committee26th May 2008BUILDING OF WALL BETWEEN BARCLAY COURT AND BROOKFIELD GROVEIt was PROPOSED by Councillor M. Baker "That this Committee requests that the Council would build a wall between Barclay Court and Brookfield Grove (in the ownership of the Council) as had been originally intended when the houses were constructed in Brookfield Grove some years ago"The following report of the Manager was CONSIDERED.It is proposed to build a 3m high wall the full length of Barclay Court and along side No. 54 BarclayCourt as part of the development of the Resource Centre at this location. We are awaiting the decision from Culture Community Dev. & Amenities Department on the Resource Centre.Following discussion during which Ms. Anne Hegarty, Senior Executive Officer and Mr. Chris Furlong, Area Community Officer responded to the Members' queries, Ms. Hegarty said that there is no budget for the building of this wall and Mr. Furlong said he will submit a report for the next meeting on theResource Centre, and the motion was AGREED.