Additional Bin Carysfort Avenue

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


25th May 2009

Question: Councillor M. Baker

To ask the Manager to install an additional litter bin on Carysfort Avenue at the entrance to the Blackrock Business Park as nearby residents are plagued by litter in their front gardens?


Due to the limited resources available for emptying litter bins, the provision of any new bin on a regular service schedule, may necessitate some existing bins having to have their emptying frequency reduced. For this reason any additional bin will only be considered in the context of available resources for servicing them. When considering a request for the provision of a litter bin, the area is prioritised by the quantity of litter generators (shops, takeaways etc.) present.

Following on from an inspection of the site, it is not intended to place a litter bin at the requested location. However the request will be stored on a litter bin database and will be considered if there are any changes to the resources in the future that may allow for an increase in the quantity of bins to be serviced.

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