Cleaning of Open Space at Junction of Carysfort Avenue and Blackrock By-Pass

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


5th September 2011

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager to have the open space at the junction of Carysfort Avenue and the Blackrock by-pass cleaned up, including the removal of dumped rubbish and the cutting back of vegetation? The open space is in the control of the Roads Dept.?


This area was cleaned up and cleared of vegetation in early 2009 following a previous question to this Area Committee. However, it was not noted as an are a requiring regular maintenance and therefore it is in need of attention once again. This work will be undertaken within the next 3 to 4 weeks. Following completion of this work, it will be necessary to consider how this area should be managed and maintained in the future.

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