Question: Councillor M. Baker
“To ask the Manager to have the potholes repaired on the section of Rockhill/Main
Street, Blackrock outside the Blackrock Shopping Centre?”
On inspection of this location, it was noted that there were no potholes that would
benefit from temporary repairs. There is considerable “rutting” in the road caused by
failure of the surface. The Road Maintenance Section is aware of the condition of the
road and it has previously been considered for re-surfacing.
However, it is not included on the Road Restoration Programme so there is no source
of funding currently available to undertake this work. It is included on a list of
locations to be considered for re-surfacing should additional funding or other
resources become available to carry out such works.
Repair of Potholes at Rockhill Blackrock
Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee
Written: 12 years ago