Motion: Councillor M. Baker
“That the Chief Executive report on the following in relation to the public lighting
provision on Avoca Avenue, section between the crossroads with Grove Avenue and
the junction with Avoca Park:-
1. Survey the level of lighting as currently there are many areas that are in the
2. These areas of darkness can be very dangerous for cyclists as drivers only see
them in the brighter areas.
3. What improvements can be made to improve the overall lighting provision?
4. When will the improvements be put in place.”
A survey has been carried out in the area outlined above. This survey included the
level of lighting and also the trees. As a result of this survey, the Council’s
Contractor has trimmed a number of the trees.
The Contractor has upgraded the lighting to LED, which should improve the light
levels, in conjunction with the tree trimming.
Public lighting Avoca Ave
Meeting of the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee
Written: 7 years ago