Installation of Ramps on Upper Section of Booterstown Avenue

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager to consider the installation of ramps on the upper section of Booterstown Avenue between South Hill Avenue and the N11 in order to reduce speeding on this section of the road? If ramps cannot be installed can any other measures be included to reduce speeding?


There are no proposals to provide ramps on this section of Booterstown Avenue. Booterstown Avenue is in a 50kph speed limit area and enforcement of this is a matter for the Gardai and we will bring the issue of speeding to their attention. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Traffic Section carried out works along Booterstown Avenue in 2009/2010 as part of measures to improve road safety along this road.These works included the installation of upgraded traffic signals at Booterstown Avenue/Cross Avenue, provision of anti skid surfacing, narrowing of the carriageway width in vicinity of South Hill Avenue, new road markings including the provision of right turning lanes at junctions and the alteration of junction radii to reduce traffic speeds entering and exiting side roads and also to provide shorter crossing distances for pedestrians at junctions.

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