Dog Licences 2


May 2005 Council meeting

It was proposed by Councillor M. Baker and seconded by Councillor J. Dillon Byrne:

"That the Manager reports why approximately only 5,500 dog licences were issued last year when the dog population of the County is considerably in excess of this figure. The Council are obliged under the Control of Dogs Act, 1986 to ensure that all dogs are licenced."

The following report of the Manager, copy of which had been circulated to the Members, was CONSIDERED:

"Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council employs one Dog Warden to carry out it's functions under the Control of Dog's Act 1986. The warden does regular checks in areas for unlicensed dogs and issues fines accordingly. All licence holders are notified when their licence is due for renewal. If a new licence is not purchased the information is passed onto the dog warden for investigation. 438 fines were issued by the dog warden in 2004 for breaches of the Control of Dogs Act."

Following discussion, during which Mr. F. Austin, Director of Environmental Services responded to Members queries, the report was NOTED.

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