Pedestrian safety at entrance to Michael Smurfit College



6th November 2006

Pedestrian safety at entrance to Michael Smurfit College at Carysfort Avenue

Motion: Councillor M. Baker

"hat the Manager would examine the entrance into the Michael Smurfit College off Carysfort Avenue with a view to improving pedestrian safety given the large numbers of pedestrians, particularly schoolchildren who cross this entrance and the increased number of vehicles entering the college through this gateway."


The entrance to the Michael Smurfit College on Carysfort Avenue was examined. Vehicles entering and leaving their gateway are expected to give way to pedestrians who are in the process of crossing the entrance once the pedestrians have stepped off the footpath on either side and commenced crossing. This is in accordance with the Rules of the Road, which states that the onus is on the driver to be watchful for pedestrians (especially children) who may attempt to cross the roadway suddenly. It also states 'particular care should be taken when approaching school entrances".

There are existing double yellow lines on Carysfort Avenue on each side of the college entrance to assist driver visibility on existing the College. The crossing area in front of the college entrance between the footpaths is part of the public right of way and it is not considered that any additional signage is required to advise drivers or pedestrians of this entrance.

As this item was not reached on the agenda it was re-entered on the December 2007 agenda. The following is the reply received to the same motion in December:


The entrance to the Michael Smurfit College on Carysfort Avenue was examined. Vehicles entering and leaving their private gateway are expected to give way to pedestrians who are in the process of crossing the entrance. This is in accordance with the Rules of the Road, which states that the onus is on the driver to be watchful for pedestrians (especially children) who may attempt to cross the roadway suddenly. It also states 'particular care should be taken when approaching school entrances".

There are existing double yellow lines on Carysfort Avenue on each side of the college entrance to assist driver visibility on existing the College. It is proposed to further extend the double yellow lines a distance of 40m on the west side to improve visibility to the right. The crossing area in front of the college entrance between the footpaths is part of the public right of way and it is not considered that any additional signage is required to advise drivers or pedestrians of this entrance. There is an existing CAUTION CHILDREN SIGN adjacent to the entrance.

As this item was not reached at the December meeting it was re-entered for the next meeting which took place in February 2007. The following is the answer received:


Further to an examination of this entrance it is proposed to carry out measures to tighten the entry and exit radii of the kerbs so as to slow down vehicles entering and leaving the college and to provide bollards around the realigned kerb radii. The above measures will serve to slow down vehicles and also shorten the length of the crossing for pedestrians. It is intended to contact the College Authorities to advise them of these proposals.

As this item was not reached at the February 2007 it was re-entered for the next meeting which took place in March 2007. The following is the answer received:


Further to an examination of this entrance it is proposed to carry out measures to tighten the entry and exit radii of the kerbs so as to slow down vehicles entering and leaving the college and to provide bollards around the realigned kerb radii. The above measures will serve to slow down vehicles and also shorten the length of the crossing for pedestrians. A meeting has been held with a reprehensive of the College to discuss the issues with them and get their input, as any works requested will impinge on the College property. The College have no objection in principle to the outline proposals. Following a survey of the area and a drawing being prepared, it will be presented for approval. In the meantime, we have requested the College to erect a warning within their grounds warning of pedestrians crossing the entrance.

As I was happy with this reply the motion was passed.


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