Replace gateway from Castlebyrne


May 2006 Area Committee meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker:

“To ask the Manager in the interests of persons with disabilities and families with buggies to have a “Kissing Gate” or similar device installed to replace the current gateway from Castlebyrne into Newtownpark Lands?”


The Parks Department are presently taking a series of measures as part of its development programme to identify and improve access to parks and open spaces. Consultants have been engaged to conduct an Access Assessment Audit which will assess the broader aspects of the Council's policies and services in parks and open spaces in order to determine their effect on accessibility and usability for everyone. Appropriately designed access will benefit everybody especially those with impairments or disabilities as well as ensuring the space can be used with equal facility. There are no finances currently available to redesign the area in question. However, consideration will be given when the 2007 estimates are being prepared.

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