Safety concerns raised by Priory Residents




Safety concerns raised by Priory Residents

Motion: Councillor M. Baker

"That a report be given to this Committee on the following safety concerns raised by Priory Residents Association in relation to the traffic lights and pedestrian phase on the N11 at the junction with Trees Road Lower: –

(a) position of the traffic lights;

(b) timing of the traffic lights.

Representatives of the residents association would be willing to meet with Council officials to expand further on their concerns."


The County Manager has requested that all the junctions on the N11 are to be examined with a view to providing improved pedestrian facilities. Dublin City Council is currently carrying out this work and their Contractors are currently working on site, upgrading approximately 14 No. Junctions within our county boundaries.

The side roads at these junctions are also being reviewed with a view to providing improved pedestrian crossing facilities.

The junction of the N11 with Trees Road has been examined and the traffic lights at this location will be upgraded to provide an ‘Amber Man' phase.

A signalised pedestrian crossing currently exists about mid-way between the Priory and Trees Road junctions.

Dublin City Council are responsible for the timings on the N11 and if these existing timings are altered, then the capacity of these junctions are decreased.

As this motion was not reached for debate on the Sept 2006 agenda it appeared again on the agenda of 2nd October 2007. The reply given to the same motion read as follows:


As part of the Regional Traffic Management Project all the junctions on the N11 are being examined with a view to providing improved pedestrian facilities and vehicular capacity (on the agreed agency basis with Dublin City Council). Dublin City Council is currently carrying out this work and their Contractors are currently working on site, upgrading approximately 14 No. Junctions within our county boundaries.

The side roads at these junctions above (including the nearby pedestrian crossing) are also being reviewed with a view to providing improved pedestrian crossing facilities and traffic sequencing.

The junction of the N11 with Trees Road has been examined and the traffic lights at this location will be upgraded to provide an ‘Amber Man' phase.

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