Biological waste facility


Meeting of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown CountyCouncil

12 March 2007

Biological Waste Facility

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the Manager in relation to the provision of a Biological Waste Facility in Ballyogan:

If the tender process is complete?

What company was successful?

When will construction start?

When will construction conclude?"


"The Tender process is underway for the provision of a Biological Waste Facility in Ballyogan. Stage 1 of the process have shortlisted five potential service providers and detailed tenders, including costs are expected in June 2007.

As part of the tendering process Service providers are asked to fast track their plans and have been informed that early completion of the project will be considered when considering the final choice of Contractor, always assuming that all other project deliverables meet the required standard.

It is planned that Construction work will commence in Autumn 2007 and that the first compost will be delivered to the facility as part of the commissioning process in mid 2007. The approval of the Department of the Environment must be given (for grant purposes) prior to the award of the Contract and it is expected that such approval will be speedily given."

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