The Meadows nameplate


3rd DECEMBER 2007

Nameplate for The Meadows

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"o ask the Manager to have a nameplate sign made and erected for"he Meadows"(planning reference D03A/0072 Grounds of Gaylawn, Newtownpark Avenue) as these houses share the same numbers as houses on Meadow Close and they have in effect been built on Meadow Close?"


The erection of a nameplate for this development was a matter for the Developers and they were notified accordingly on the 10th December 2003. However, the Developer did not comply with this requirement and it is not considered to be appropriate to pursue it at this stage.

In these circumstances, the County Council will arrange to have nameplates made up and erected on site. Before this can be done, some matters require clarification by the Planning Department i.e. two infill houses. The normal timescale for ordering and delivery of nameplates is 6 to 8 weeks. They are usually erected within 1 or 2 weeks after delivery.

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