MEETING OF DÚN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE1 SEPTEMBER 2008‘NO RIGHT TURN' SIGNCouncillor M. Baker"To ask the Manager to have a ‘no right turn' sign installed on Frascati Road(Blackrock By-pass) at the junction of Rock Hill / Entrance into Frascati ShoppingCentre as vehicles coming from Dublin city are making an illegal right turn intothe shopping centre against the town bound traffic despite the straight on arrowson the roadway and the straight on arrow on the green light. A number of nearmisses have been reported to the Gardai about incidences at this junction.Vehicles trying to make this turn are also holding up the free flow of vehicles onthis busy road?"
The provision of a "No Right Turn" sign at the junction of the Blackrock By-Pass/Rock Hill with the Frascati Shopping Centre will be examined in consultationwith the Garda Traffic Section at the September TAG meeting.Note: The sign was agreed.