Pay & Display Plebiscite in Woodbine, Trimleston, Dornden & Glenomena

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker

To ask the Manager for an update on the proposed commencement of a plebiscite
for Pay & Display parking in Woodbine, Trimleston, Dornden and Glenomena estates?
Will Ashfield Park and Seafield estate be included in the plebiscite?


Officials from the Transportation Department met with the Ward Councillors
representing the areas listed in the Councillor’s question in November 2012. It was
agreed a meeting would be organised for the Residents Associations and/or
residents’ representatives nominated by the Ward Councillors with Council Officials,
and with Ward Councillors in attendance. We will contact the Ward Councillors in the
next few days to finalise the list of invitees and schedule the meeting.
It is not proposed to include Ashfield Park and Seafield estate in the survey at this

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