Question: Councillor M. Baker
“To ask the Manager to outline on a Ward by Ward basis the elements of the
Summer of Heritage programme for this summer?”
The Provisional Schedule for Summer of Heritage on a ward by ward basis is:
Blackrock Ward
Tour of Blackrock Village
Tour of Deansgrange Cemetery
Tour of Temple Hill Cemetery
Seapoint Martello Tower
Kill Abbey Church and Graveyard
Stillorgan Obelisk
Temple Hill Society of Friends Cemetery
Dún Laoghaire Ward
The Oratory of the Sacred Heart
The 1913 Lockout Centenary Tour
Carrickbrennan Graveyard
The Metals Tour
Holy Trinity Church Killiney
Seafront Memorials Tour
Dundrum Ward
Tour of Dundrum Village
Stillorgan Ward
Cabinteely House
Summer of Heritage Programme
Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Written: 11 years ago