Question: Councillor M. Baker
“To ask the Manager in light of reply received in April 2013 to a question relating to
safety concerns at the junction of Grove Lawn and Grove Avenue to explain what
measures can be put in place to protect drivers exiting from Grove Lawn onto Grove
Avenue given that the Council has no desire to move the existing wall on the right of
the exit?”
“As previously outlined the visibility to the right when exiting Grove Lawn onto Grove
Avenue is restricted by the high boundary wall of the property at the corner of the
junction. As there are no proposals to acquire land and remove and set back a
section of the wall, alternative options are being considered.
One of these options which involved a one way system on Grove Avenue (which
removed traffic from the Stillorgan Park approach) was examined at length in
2007/2008 but was not implemented following Public Consultation due to strong local
The current proposal for a mini roundabout and ramps on Grove Avenue at Talbot
Lodge which is due on site May/ June 2014 will have the effect of reducing traffic
speeds on Grove Avenue approaching Grove Lawn from the right and thereby will
contribute to a safer exit movement from here.
Traffic speed surveys will be carried out on Grove Avenue prior to and on completion
of the works adjacent to Talbot Lodge and depending on the results from these,
consideration will be given to the provision of additional ramps on Grove Avenue to
reduce speeds on the approach the Grove Lawn junction.”
Grove Lawn and Avenue Safety Concerns
Meeting of the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee
Written: 10 years ago