Weed Spraying Policy

Meeting of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council


Question: Councillor M. Baker
“To ask the Chief Executive to outline the Council’s policy on weed spraying both in
our parks and on public roads?”
All the public roads (icluding footpaths) are sprayed at the start of the season
(April/May) and spot spraying occurs in the latter part of the season where regrowth
occurs. As part of this weedspraying service, DLR only use weedspraying products
that have a valid PCS (Pesticide Control Service) number approved by the
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, who are responsible for
implementing the regulatory system for plant protection and biocidal products.
The Council continues to reduce reliance on chemical weed control, particularly in our
parks, woodlands and hedgerows. However, the standard landscape maintenance
contract we operate on incidental open spaces throughout the county provides for
more conventional chemical weed control as takes place on public roads and

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