Prunning of Trees in Barclay Court

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker
“To ask the Manager in relation to the public lighting in Barclay Court to prune the
tree outside (address supplied) as the leaves are shading the light and also to ask
the occupiers of Rosemont School to prune the trees that are obscuring light from
the newly erected light pole?”
Parks department reply: The tree at the above location will be included on the 2013-2014 Tree Care
Programme for attention. We will ask our colleagues in the Transportation
Department to contact the school in this regard.
Public Lighting department reply:
Further to a site inspection the tree surgeon contractor has been instructed to carry
out tree pruning around the public lighting at the two lights identified. Weather
permitting the work will be carried out in the coming weeks.

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