Carysfort Park Playground

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to confirm if there are plans to expand the playground in Carysfort
Park given that the current playground is very small?
Carysfort playground has been highlighted in the Play Policy as one of the priority playgrounds
on the east side of the county for refurbishment. The existing playground occupies a confined
footprint and we will look at the possibility of expanding this footprint during the refurbishment
design phase. The obvious area to expand into is to the south of the existing playground.
There are existing trees, old and recently planted, in this area but we will see if it is possible
to incorporate this space into a potential expanded play area.

Following a discussion at the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee on 2nd October 2023, Carysfort Playground is not listed for works in 2024. It will be included in future years.


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