Area committee meeting November 2004
Question: Councillor M. Baker:
"To ask the Manager to alter the traffic signals at the junction on to the N11 at Belmont/Galloping Green so that they only go to green when activated by waiting vehicles. Currently, traffic is stopped on the N11 needlessly as the traffic signals go through their normal cycle even if no traffic is waiting to exit from Belmont/Galloping Green?"
A ‘Toucan Crossing' (signalised pedestrian crossing/bicycle crossing) is currently being installed at the ‘Galloping Green' on the N11. The ‘Cycle Time' (green stage) for the Belmont Road service road junction will be amended as part of the above scheme. Currently, the service road at the Belmont Junction is cable linked to the ‘Whites Cross' junction but the ‘Green Stage Time' will now be reduced in conjunction with the new ‘Toucan Crossing' so as not to encourage any additional traffic on this service road. Currently the ‘Green Time' at the Belmont exit is only called when traffic is stopped on the N11 at ‘Whites Cross' during its normal cycle and has no negative effect on the capacity of traffic on the N11. This signalised crossing along with all signals on the N11 will eventually be operated on a 24 hour basis by Dublin City Council on an UATCS (Urban Adaptive Traffic Control System) basis using SCATS (Sydney Co-ordinated Adaptive Traffic System) system as part of the Strategic Routes Initiative agreed for the Dublin Region and the ducting for this is currently being installed. This when operational will optimise the operation of all signals along the N11.