Safety at entrance to Smurfit College

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager in relation to my motion of March 2007 (DL/229/07 Entrance at Michael Smurfit College) and follow up question in March 2008, what progress has been made in relation to the implementation of the suggested safety measures? Can a time frame be given in the answer?


The proposed work at the entrance involves the relocation of an Eircom manhole as it conflicts with the position of the proposed raised entry table which the Traffic Section proposes to build here. We have received a quotation from Eircom for the relocation of this chamber and due to the significant cost involved, we are requesting that the College would contribute to the scheme as it provides benefit for the College. We have been liaising with the College's Consultant Engineer but it is now our intention to write formally to the College requesting a contribution to the cost of the works. It would be the Traffic Section's intention to proceed once the funding details are resolved.

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