Talbot Lodge Entrance Way on to Grove Avenue

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


Motion: Councillor M. Baker

That the Manager brings a report to this committee stating how the entrance way from Talbot Lodge on to Grove Avenue can be made safer as sightlines for drivers and pedestrians are currently very compromised. (This issue was raised with me by a number of residents of this estate. Coming from Mount Merrion Ave this entrance is hidden from view until you are on top of it, maybe some addional lining on Grove Ave plus some tidying back of the bank near the entrance would help)


The junction of Talbot Lodge and Grove Avenue is located on the narrow section of Grove Avenue between Avoca Road and Avoca Avenue. Visibility to the left (towards Avoca Avenue) on exiting Talbot Lodge is inadequate due to the current alignment of Grove Avenue. STOP road markings and a STOP sign were recently installed by the Traffic Section on the exit from Talbot Lodge. There is limited scope in the short term for improving visibility to the left of the exit due to the presence of a line of trees on the earth bank on which there is currently a Tree Preservation Order, thereby preventing removal of some of the trees and the earth bank. However, consideration will be given to the provision of some advance warning signage on the approach from Mt. Merrion Avenue to alert drivers of the junction ahead if a suitable location can be found for this signage along the narrow section of Grove Avenue.

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