Written: 7 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to replace the nameplate sign for Frascati Court as the current
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Written: 7 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to have the Carysfort Avenue car park swept and have the
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to review the bad right angled bend on Stillorgan Grove, near
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to have the hedgerow on New Stillorgan Park, between Stillorgan Grove
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to repair the potholes on Proby Square opposite the Lindenvale houses,
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to have the concrete bases around the benches in Tobernea Park,
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Written: 8 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. Baker “That this Committee agrees that the road surface on Sweetman’s Avenue, section between Frascati Road and
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to have the crash barriers at the Frascati Road – Newtown
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to renew the double yellow lines on Newtown Avenue that were
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to install a sign advising road users on Mount Merrion Avenue
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to install some double yellow lines on the corners of the
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Written: 8 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to install a “Children at Play” sign on Annaville Avenue near
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