Category Archives: Issues

Issues and question that have been submitted from constituents to Marie.

Cats Eyes

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to look at the location of the cats’ eyes on Kill Lane following the installation of
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Blackrock Pond

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to have the small structure on the Blackrock Park Pond’s Island painted and repaired as it
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Blackrock Walk

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to include a heritage walk in Blackrock as part of the Summer of Heritage programme?Reply:This will
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Blackrock Men’s Shed

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


Motion: Councillor M. BakerThat this Committee supports the Blackrock Men’s Shed in their request to have additional space provided in Rockfield
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Brookfield Court bridge

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive for an update on when repairs works are to take place on the wooden bridge linking
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Farmleigh Estate

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive for the results of the topography survey conducted on the green space at the entrance to
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Handball Alley Rockfield

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive if a new coat of anti-graffiti paint can be applied to the mural painted on the
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Talbot Lodge

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to have the public open space to the rear of Talbot Lodge estate, cleared of
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Seafort Parade

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: To ask the Chief Executive to have an inspection of Seafort Parade, Blackrock, to see if any additional measures can be
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Stillorgan Park Road

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


Motion: Councillor M. BakerTo ask the Chief Executive to bring a report on the Stillorgan Park Road Active Travel Scheme, outlining
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Pathway Carraig Tennis

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


That this committee requests the reinstatement of the footpath in Rockfield Park to the rear of Court 2, Carraig Tennis Club,
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Seapoint toilets


To ask the Chief Executive to bring a report on the condition of the public toilets at the Seapoint bathing area,
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