Written: 14 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager if vehicles over 3 ton are banned from using Fleurville Road, Benamore
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Written: 14 years ago
7th February 2011 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to confirm if the public lighting level on Newtownpark,
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Written: 14 years ago
7th February 2011 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to replace the broken nameplate sign for Stillorgan Park
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Written: 14 years ago
7th February 2011 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to advise if double yellow lines are warranted on
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Written: 14 years ago
24th January 2011 Motion:Councillor M. Baker That this Committee requests the Parks Department to put together a management plan for
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Written: 14 years ago
24th January 2011 Question: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager to have the gullies on Trimleston Drive cleaned?” Reply:
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Written: 14 years ago
22nd November 2010 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to have the gullies on Carysfort Avenue cleaned? Reply:
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Written: 14 years ago
22nd November 2010 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to write to the owners of the corner premises
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Written: 14 years ago
22nd November 2010 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to have the gullies on George’s Avenue/Frascati Park (details
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Written: 14 years ago
22nd November 2010 Motion: Councillor M. Baker: That this Council commends the work of the Parks Dept for the way
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Written: 14 years ago
22nd November 2010 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to give a report on the legal status of
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Written: 14 years ago
1st November 2010 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to have the vegetation in the Council car park
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