Written: 2 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. BakerTo ask the Chief Executive to bring a report on the Stillorgan Park Road Active Travel Scheme, outlining
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Written: 3 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive will the cycle lane sweeping schedule whichappears on the Council website be updated to include
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Written: 3 years ago
“To ask the Chief Executive to confirm how many cyclists used Deansgrange Road prior to the start of Covid 19?”Reply:We do
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Written: 3 years ago
“To ask the Chief Executive to confirm when the traffic modelling study concluded on the alternative options to the Deansgrange Road
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Written: 4 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive to inspect the footpath and road surface on Glenart Avenue with a view to improving the
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Written: 4 years ago
“To ask the Chief Executive in relation to the parkland that links Foxrock Avenue to Kill Lane, can the broken footpath
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Written: 4 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive when the pot holed road surface on Proby Square will be repaired given
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Written: 5 years ago
“To ask the Chief Executive to renew the double yellow lines in Castle Court, off Booterstown Ave? The current lines are
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Written: 5 years ago
To ask the Chief Executive to have the “Stop” wording and linage on the following roads renewed as they have become
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Written: 6 years ago
FOOTPATHS AND ROAD SURFACE IN PATRICIAN VILLASQuestion: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive to have the footpaths and road
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Written: 6 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive to have the road surface in St Anne’s Square inBlackrock inspected with
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