Written: 5 months ago
That the Chief Executive erect nameplate signs for Stillorgan Park Road part of the R825.This road was created many years
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Written: 2 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. BakerTo ask the Chief Executive to bring a report on the Stillorgan Park Road Active Travel Scheme, outlining
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Written: 5 years ago
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is seeking to introduce a cycle route on Carysfort Avenue from Stillorgan Park Road to Convent
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Written: 6 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive to investigate the possibility of planting trees in the central median of the
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Written: 6 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker“To ask the Chief Executive to install nameplates signs on Stillorgan Park Road as no signs currently exist?
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