Extend double yellow lines at entrance to Cloisters Avenue


April 2006 Area committee meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the Manager to extend the double yellow lines at the entrance to Cloisters Avenue on Carysfort Avenue by sufficient distance so that the residents of No. 3 Carysfort Avenue are able to reverse out of their driveway without being obstructed by parked vehicles?"


The residents of No. 3 Carysfort Avenue, opposite the junction of Cloisters Avenue have sufficient room on their own premises to turn a car round and to exit their driveway in a forward gear. The Traffic Section encourages this manoeuvre. There is good visibility (sufficient sight lines) of Carysfort Avenue for traffic approaching from both directions. There is therefore no need to extend the existing double yellow lines on the west side of Carysfort Avenue at the junction of Cloisters Avenue

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