Safeguarding of Council Owned Property


July 2006 Council meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the Manager to state what procedures are in place to safeguard Council owned property when planning applications are received for adjoining or nearby property which may impact negatively on the Council's property? Whose responsibility is it to watch out for such planning applications? How many objections has the Council made against planning applications in the past twelve months on planning grounds as distinct from transportation, environmental grounds etc?"


"Where the Planning Authority becomes aware that a proposed development which is the subject of a planning application may impact upon property in the ownership of the Council, the planning application is referred to the Development Department for comment. Any comment made by the Property Section will be taken into consideration when making the decision. The weekly list of planning applications is also circulated to all Council Departments. Current record management systems within the Department do not allow for access to the number of representations made on planning applications by Council Departments."

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