Brown bins update


23rd March 2009

MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE23 MARCH 2009Brown BinsQuestion: Councillor M. Baker:

” To ask the Manager when will brown bins be distributed to householders in theBlackrock Ward? What will be the charging mechanism for the brown bins?”


Brown Bins will be delivered to customers in five phases based on the existing 5routes that operate in the black bin service. Households with a brown bin will have a fortnightly collection of brown bin waste and the collection of the black bin will also change to a fortnightly basis for those households with a brown bin.Provision has been made in the 2009 Budget for the commencement of the roll outof Brown Bins for the collection of Organic Waste i.e. Garden vegetative waste andkitchen food waste that currently is placed in the householders black bin. It is hoped that the budgetary adjustments that are planned by the Government in early April will not impact on this programme, which is planned for the next AutumnThe initial phase, which will cover some households in all wards, will be used as aPilot phase and will used to allow the Council and Households gain an understanding of how best to deal with issues that may evolve. The remaining 4 phases will be rolled out as quickly as possible thereafter.It is most probable that a charge will be made for collection of brown bin waste but no decision has been finalised on the charging mechanism for the service.

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