Footpath Repairs Avondale Lawn and Court

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


6th April 2010

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager to have the footpaths in Avondale Lawn and Avondale Court repaired where temporary repairs were put in place following water leaks? There are a number of locations on both roads?


These roads will be inspected by the Executive Engineer, Roads Control Section. This Section makes the necessary arrangements for permanent reinstatement of these openings for the Water Department. A list of the locations where these reinstatements are required will be prepared and it will be forwarded to the approved Contractor for attention.

As there is a backlog of these temporary reinstatements requiring attention at present, it is not possible to give an accurate timeframe within which they might be done. However, as in all such cases, they will be repaired as soon as practically possible.

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