Open Space Strategy Audit Findings

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


10th April 2012

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager to advise what measures are being put in place to specifically address the Open Space Strategy Audit findings that “the provision of Parks, Open Spaces and Outdoor Recreational Facilities is unevenly distributed across the county.There are variations within the provision of Parks and Open Spaces according to type at the electoral area” in particular in Blackrock and Dundrum electoral wards?


The Open Space Strategy makes no specific recommendations in regard to the relatively uneven provision of parks and open spaces in the Blackrock and Dundrum electoral areas. Because of the built-up nature of these areas there is little or no opportunity to increase the quantity of open space. While the Strategy endorses the quantitative standards set out in the current Development Plan, it acknowledges that such prescriptive spatial standards are more easily achievable in green field development areas, than in built-up areas.The emphasis in these two electoral areas will be on maintaining the existing quantity of open space at its current level. Any new building developments will be required to comply with the County Development Plan standards.The Strategy also assessed the County’s parks and open spaces in terms of accessibility and quality. In terms of accessibility the Strategy found that over 93% of households in the Blackrock and Dundrum electoral areas are within 400 metres of a amenity open space (Class 2).In terms of quality the Strategy includes an Action Plan designed to address the findings outlined in the Strategy report. Action 1 is to deliver a programme of improvements to flagship and local parks, which will aim to raise the quality and accessibility of these parks. For example, in the Blackrock area, parks such as the Blackrock Park master-plan (2007) sets out a range of measures aimed at enhancing the amenity value of this flagship park.

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