Requests for Footpath Repairs

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


10th April 2012

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

“To ask the Manager to confirm what the procedure is for requests from Councillors in relation to footpath repairs that are deemed by the Roads Maintenance Engineer to be required but due to financial constraints cannot take place, what happens to these requests? Are they put on a list for future works in some kind of pecking order? If so what is the pecking order?”


The Area Engineer ensures that the footpath is made safe for use by the public. When the footpath allocation is announced each year, the Area Engineer considers the condition of the footpaths throughout the area and the usage, proximity to schools, churches, shops etc. Also considered are representations from Councillors, the public and Public Liability claims. The decision is then made in relation to which footpaths are to be renewed. Also the Area Engineer has Direct Labour Staff who repair small sections of footpaths. In cases where the footpaths can not be repaired in the short term due to lack of resources, the location will be noted and considered for attention at a later stage. The prioritisation of the repair/making safe works is the responsibility of the Area Engineer and if there is an area of particular concern at any stage, he/she can be contacted about the particular problem areas.

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