St Helen’s Wood

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


28th September 2009

Question: Councillor M. Baker

To ask the Manager, in relation to the woods in St Helen’s/Merrion Grove to advise if the Council will maintain and manage these woodlands into the future? If not who will do so?


St. Helen’s woodland is located just off the Stillorgan dual carriageway. The site comprises of a number of plots of land in the ownership of several different landowners. At present the woodlands in the charge of the council are being regularly maintained every 10 days to two weeks. The respective management companies are maintaining the open spaces and planting within their charge.

Currently this Department is working on a Woodland and Conservation Management Plan for St. Helens woodland and surrounding areas. The main objective of the woodland/conservation plan is to ensure that the woodland does not die out and that a project of restoration and replanting is carried out.

The Parks Department will endeavour to work with all stakeholders including the local communities, management companies and other interested bodies such as the Irish Wildlife Trust to establish a viable long-term conservation and management plan.

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