Category Archives: Issues

Issues and question that have been submitted from constituents to Marie.

Deansgrange modelling

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


“To ask the Chief Executive to confirm when the traffic modelling study concluded on the alternative options to the Deansgrange Road
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Sea Water Data

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


The following motion was agreedMotion: Councillor M. Baker“That the Chief Executive put in place a year round sampling of water
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Sea Water Quality

Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


To ask the Chief Executive to bring a report to this Area Committee outlining the measures taken to record water quality
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Mount Albany

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


To ask the Chief Executive to tidy up the open space on the right-hand side as you enter Mount Albany from
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Springhill Playground

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


Motion That this Area Committee receives a report on the condition of the playground in Springhill, Blackrock to include an
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Motion: CouncillorM. Baker That Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council supports the campaign of Epilepsy Ireland to address long-standing issues that continue
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Belmont Ardagh cycle route

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Meeting


Motion: Councillor M. Baker The following motion was not debated as the proposed route through Belmont in Ardagh Crescent was
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Glenart Ave paths/road

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


To ask the Chief Executive to inspect the footpath and road surface on Glenart Avenue with a view to improving the
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Deansgrange Library

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


To ask the Chief Executive how many repairs have taken place to the leaking roof of Deansgrange Library and to give
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Foxrock Ave Path

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


“To ask the Chief Executive in relation to the parkland that links Foxrock Avenue to Kill Lane, can the broken footpath
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Foxrock Open Space

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


“To ask the Chief Executive in relation to the parkland that links Foxrock Avenue to Kill Lane, when will the residents
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Foxrock Ave

Dun Laoghaire Area Meeting


“To ask the Chief Executive, in relation to the parkland that links Foxrock Avenue to Kill Lane, is this parkland on
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