Category Archives: Traffic Issues

Request for double yellow lines in Carysfort Park


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st May 2007 Request for double yellow lines in Carysfort Park Motion Councillor M.
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Repair ramp in Frascati Park


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st May 2007 Repair/replacement of ramps at Frascati Park Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To
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St. Vincent’s Park


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st May 2007 Works on St. Vincent's Park Blackrock Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To
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New stop sign Carysfort Park


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 5th March 2007 Request for replacement of stop sign at Carysfort Park /Avenue Question:
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Centre white line Avoca Avenue


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 4th December 2006 Request for centre white line at Avoca Avenue "To ask the
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Pine Haven traffic issue


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 6th November 2006 Request for lining on Pine Haven, Cross Avenue Question: Councillor M.
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Mini roundabout at Convent Road junction


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 6th November 2006 Request for installation of mini-roundabout at junction of Convent Road Question:
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Yellow box on Rock Road


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 2ND OCTOBER 2006 Provision of yellow boxes on Rock Road Question: Councillor M. Baker:
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Old Stillorgan Road


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 2ND OCTOBER 2006 Old Stillorgan Road Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager
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Safety concerns raised by Priory Residents


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 4TH SEPTEMBER 2006 Safety concerns raised by Priory Residents Motion: Councillor M. Baker "That
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Change pedestrian lights on Stradbrook Road at Rockford Manor School


June 2006 Area committee meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager to change the pedestrian set of traffic
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Replace safety barrier at entrance to St. Augustine’s Estate, Stillorgan Park


June 2006 Area committee meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager to have the safety barrier on the
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