Tag Archives: Avondale Court

Active School Travel


Below is the text of my submission on the Active School Travel sent to the Council on 2nd November 2020 
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Renewal of Double Yellow lines Avondale

Meeting of the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M Baker “To ask the Chief Executive to have all the double yellow lines in Avondale Lawn and
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Avondale Court Trees

Meeting of the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Manager if the trees in Rockfield Park behind the houses on Avondale Court
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Avondale Court pathways

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Manager to repair the broken footpaths outside number 26 as it is a
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Path Repairs in Avondale Court

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker “To ask the Manager to inspect Avondale Court, Blackrock with a view to having all the
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Removal of Lime Tree in Avondale Court

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to have the lime tree outside [address withheld] removed as the roots
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