Parking spaces painted at Avondale Lawn on Carysfort Avenue


Area committee meeting December 2004

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the Manager to have parking spaces painted on the parking bay outside house Nos 1 to 4A Avondale Lawn on Carysfort Avenue. Currently drivers park nose to kerb in this parking bay, thus making visibility for drivers coming out of Avondale Lawn very difficult. If, as a result of parking spaces being painted, drivers were encouraged to park parallel to the kerb, as they do in the other parking bay at the other side of this junction, visibility would be much improved. Could the Manager also have double yellow lines painted on the left hand side of the entrance to Avondale Lawn as cars that are parked all day on this side impede vehicles entering the road?"


Parking provisions for Carysfort Avenue are to be reviewed with the Parking Unit. This will include the review of double yellow lines at junctions, which should improve visibility for vehicles exiting Avondale Lawn.

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