Proposed Traffic Management Plan for Old Stillorgan Road/Seafield/Fosterbrook/Woodbine Road areas


Area committee meeting Dec 2004

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

"To ask the Manager to provide details of the proposed traffic management plan for the Old Stillorgan Road/Seafield/Fosterbrook/Woodbine Road areas. To confirm if this plan includes the provision of an extra separate lane to enter Fosterbrook as previously requested. What is the likely timeframe for the plans implementation?"


A Traffic Management Plan for the Old Stillorgan Road/Seafield/Fosterbrook/Woodbine Road areas has been formulated in response to requests from the local Residents Association.

  1. This plan restricts the movement of heavy vehicles and prevents heavy vehicles parking overnight on Old Stillorgan Road, adjacent to the N11. The plan controls parking generally in the area. Vehicles exiting side roads on the northside of the N11 and safe movement of pedestrians were taken into consideration. The plan prevents parking on the northside of the Old Stillorgan Road
  2. The plan includes for an extra separate lane to enter Fosterbrook.

Draft copies of drawings are available for inspection by Councillors and the general public. The implementation of this plan will be subject to funding and the priority of works within the Traffic Section.

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