Green in Meadow Close

Meeting of DĂșn Laoghaire Area Committee


27th April 2009

Question: Councillor M. Baker:

To ask the Manager in relation to the green in Meadow Close off Newtownpark Avenue, to carry out the following works:

  1. Remove the graffiti from the parkland walls
  2. Clean up the litter/dumped rubbish from under the bushes
  3. Remove the steel plate dumped on the grass area

When will these works be scheduled to take place?


  1. Parks Department will include the removal of graffiti at this location on their Works Schedule for 2009.
  2. Meadow Close is currently maintained on a contract basis and arrangements will be made to have it cleaned within the coming week.
  3. The steel plate on the open space will be removed within the coming week.

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