Written: 12 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to have all the litter bins on Main Street and Rockhill Blackrock
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Written: 12 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to have the lime tree outside [address withheld] removed as the roots
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Written: 12 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. Baker That the Manager would be proactive about implementing the laws of the land in relation to
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Written: 12 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to confirm what documentation is kept on file with the parking section
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Written: 12 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to outline what items of documentation are required to renew a resident
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Written: 12 years ago
Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to provide an update on the current status of each library in
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Written: 12 years ago
3rd December 2012 Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to have the pathways on Avondale Lawn between (address
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Written: 12 years ago
3rd December 2012 Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to have a new pole installed or have the
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Written: 12 years ago
Motion: Councillor M. Baker “That the Manager would bring a report outlining why the reinstatement of the grass area in
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Written: 12 years ago
26th November 2012 Motion: Councillor M. Baker That this Committee agrees to have the much used footpath that runs through
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Written: 12 years ago
26th November 2012 Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to survey the trees in Belmont Estate (Green, Grove
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