Written: 15 years ago
5th October 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager if the ESB have upgraded the lighting in Rockville
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Written: 16 years ago
27th April 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to have the graveyard in Kill Abbey, Deansgrange maintained
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Written: 16 years ago
14th April 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager the following questions in relation to Glenalbyn Swimming Pool:
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Written: 16 years ago
27th April 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to establish the ownership of the laneway behind (details
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Written: 16 years ago
9th March 2009 Motion: Councillor M. Baker That this Council requests the Manager to set up a small task force
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Written: 16 years ago
23rd March 2009 MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE Provision of Railing, Park Bench and Bin on the Green in
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Written: 16 years ago
23rd February 2009 Question: Councillor M Baker To ask the Manager for an update on when the new changing rooms
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Written: 16 years ago
9th February 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager what progress has been made in relation to the
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Written: 16 years ago
9th February 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager to advise if the Roads Dept was consulted by
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Written: 16 years ago
9th February 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager to write to An Post requesting that they explain
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Written: 16 years ago
26th January 2009 Question: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager for an update on the current status of the
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