Category Archives: Paths & Roads

Signing off works done by outside contractors


Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council meeting Signing Off Works Done by Outside Contractors Question: Councillor M. Baker: "o ask the
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Woodbine Road pathway repairs


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 6th June 2007 Request to have pathways on Woodbine Road repaired this year Question:
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Cleaning of Statue on By-Pass


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to have the base of the
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Repair of grass verges


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 2nd April 2007 Procedures for grass verges to be finished when Utilities carry out
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Grass verges in Ardagh


"o ask the Manager to advise why the verge at the corner of Ardagh Drive/Crescent has not been repaired given
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Grass verges on Cross Ave


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 2nd April 2007 Request for repairs to grass verges on Cross Avenue Question: Councillor
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Condition of paths and roadway in Brooklawn


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 17th April 2007 Question: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager to investigate the
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Path repair Southill Ave and Booterstown Ave


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st May 2007 Request for pathway at junction of Southill Ave/Booterstown Ave to be
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Gully cleaning at Carysfort Avenue


"hat the Manager would confirm that my numerous requests to have the gullies on Carysfort Avenue cleaned, be complied with
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Deansgrange Road bollards on Grass Verges


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 5th March 2007 Request for bollards on grass verge at Deansgrange Road Question: Councillor
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Deansgrange Road


"o ask the Manager to confirm when the following issues outside the Harrison Burnell building site on the Deansgrange Road
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Trimleston Drive various repairs


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 5th March 2007 Request for re-instatement/repairs to be carried out on Trimleston Drive Question:
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