Category Archives: Planning

Bellevue Copse

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


Question: Councillor M. Baker To ask the Manager to confirm if Bellevue Copse in Booterstown has been taken in charge
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Part 8 Planning Permissions

Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee


10th October 2011 Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to list all the Part 8 planning permissions granted
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Completion of wall at Ardagh Court


1st December, 2008 Question: Councillor M. Baker:To ask the Manager to provide an update on enforcement proceedings in relation to
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Castlebyrne Park Planning Enforcement


MEETING OF DÚN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st SEPTEMBER 2008 Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to provide a report
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Urban structure plans


MEETING OF DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL9 JUNE 2008URBAN STRUCTURE PLANSQuestion: Councillor M. Baker: “To ask the Manager in relation to
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TGI Friday’s Update


4th JUNE 2008 Update on Enforcement Proceedings Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager to provide an update on
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TGI Friday’s


TGI Fridays's Enforcement Question: Councillor M. Baker: To ask the Manager in relation to the various planning enforcement actions against
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St Helen’s pedestrian access


MEETING OF DUN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE 1st October , 2007 St. Helen's Stillorgan Road. Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask
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Safeguarding of Council Owned Property


July 2006 Council meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager to state what procedures are in place to
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The Playwright/TGI Friday’s


May 2006 Area Committee meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager to give an update on what the
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Development Levies 2


May 2006 Council meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager how monies collected under the development levies scheme
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Development Levies


May 2006 Council meeting Question: Councillor M. Baker: "To ask the Manager to give a breakdown of how much money
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